Welcome to your Elections Resources Hub. This is the place where you can find all the information, forms and training to help make your elections experience a success. For further information on our elections or to request accessible versions of the below documents, please contact our Elections Team at suelections@worc.ac.uk.

Role Information can be found by clicking here.
Further Candidate Resources
Candidate Budget Sheet: Candidates should fill this form in as they spend money and bring it to Candidates Morning Briefings. A final budget sheet should be submitted 30 minutes after the close of voting to the SU Welcome Desk.
Complaint Form: If you have a complaint concerning the elections please fill in this form. Guidance on complaints can be found in the Elections Rules above.
Elections Bye Law: This document is the SUs governing document on Elections. It sets out how they work and forms the basis from which we build the Elections Rules.
Elections Candidates Privacy Notice: This document outlines how Worcester Students’ Union processes elections candidates' data including how long we retain it and your rights regarding the data we collect and process.
Social Media Takeover Briefing: Guidance for candidates on how to submit content for social media takeovers on official SU channels.
Trustee Eligibility Declaration: This outlines the legal requirements for eligibility to be a trustee of the Students' Union. Candidates will be asked to sign this in the candidates' briefing.
Pledge of Fair Play: Every candidate will be asked to sign this to say they agree to abide by the rules.
Important Candidate Links
Candidate Training RSVP link
Campaign Team Online Training RSVP link
Election Complaints Form
If you wish to request the use of an item / material for your campaign that you already have in your possession (and therefore can't claim using a receipt), please use this ENQUIRY FORM