Whilst LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion have come along way in recent history, there are still barriers to participation in activities across society for LGBTQ+ people. Those barriers are especially pertinent in the area of sport.

Things such as potentially offensive costumes during socials might not be considered, but can lead to exclusion. We must consider how are actions may be perceived by different groups of people. Whilst the impact of certain actions might not be intended or immediately obvious to everyone, they can result in others feeling uncomfortable, excluded or discriminated against.
Former Inclusivity Reps for Dance, Jordan and Erin speak about teaming up with the LGBTQ+ Society (now LGBTQ+ Network) in offering a joint 'commercial' class for each of their members, as well as what they plan on doing in the future and how their members' differences ultimately bring them together.
"What else can I do to be more LGBTQ+ Inclusive?"
Have a 'Trans Inclusion Statement' that is published to prospective members. Click here for advice on how to write one.
Run a rainbow laces campaign and discuss the importance of LGBTQ+ acceptance in sport with members, via social media and with your members.
Work with external LGBTQ+ organisations or teams and encourage collaboration.
Review club culture, socials, costumes and clothing, and the impact those things can have on your members, and create an action plan on how any negative implications can be tackled.