What is Welfare and Inclusion Council?
The Welfare and Inclusion Council’s purpose is to drive debate, consider issues, form policy, and create a space for collaboration on the Union’s representative work on welfare, inclusion, equity, and sustainable development.
You can find the Terms of Reference here.
Who attends?
Welfare and Inclusion Council is chaired by the President of the SU and made up of the 7 Network Chairs. Faith and Cultural Society Chairs are also invited but do not have a vote.
Dates for your Diary

- Thursday 3rd October 2024, 12:30 -2:30pm (St Johns Campus BY 1150)
- Tuesday 19th November 2024, 12:30-2:30pm (St Johns Campus EE 1102)
- Thursday 6th February 2025, 12:30-2:30pm (St Johns Campus EE 2019)
- Wednesday 2nd April 2025, 12:30-2:30pm (St Johns Campus EE 2021)
Previous Minutes
You can download the minutes from the meeting on Friday 2nd of December 2022 here.
You can download the minutes from the meeting on Friday 16th of February 2023 here.
You can download the minutes from the meeting on Tuesday 25th of April 2023 here.
You can download the minutes from the meeting on Tuesday 10th of October 2023 here.
You can download the minutes from the meeting on Tuesday 5th of December 2023 here
You can download the minutes from the meeting on Wednesday 7th of February 2024 here
You can download the minutes from the meeting on Wednesday 27th of March 2024 here
Passed Policies
Below are some policies that were passed by Welfare and Inclusion Council and went on to Student Council.
1. Incorrect terminology used regarding disabled students: 2023 (policy proposed to address incorrect terminology used by staff and students when talking to and talking about disabled students. Policy would like the SU to work with the Disability and Dyslexia Service to create a resource aroud more inclusive language.
2. Email Name Change: 2023 (A policy that asks the SU to push the University to look into allowing students to change their names on their email so that they are adressed by their preferred names by other students and staff)
3. Provision of Multi-faith room at City campus and Riverside Campus: 2021 (A policy asking for an accessible multi-faith room to promote inclusivity and diversity across the university Community)
4. Improving the diversity of menus in restaurants/cafes/bars across all university campuses: 2021 (Policy proposed to increase inclusivity and representation and decrease isolation at university for those who are used to eating certain kinds of food due to their culture.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please email ruttuja.mane@worc.ac.uk.