All elected Course Reps are required to complete mandatory Course Rep Training.
Why do I need training?
As a Course Rep you will play a key role in ensuring student voice is heard at all levels throughout the University. This is vital now more than ever, and your training will equip you with the information and skills to do this effectively.

When is Course Rep Training taking place?
Once you are elected by your cohort as their Course Rep, you must sign up to attend ONE of the training sessions below. Training will take place during week commencing 28th October 2024 at the below times/locations:
- City Campus: Monday 28th October, 2pm – 5pm (JL G018)
- St John’s Campus: Tuesday 29th October, 10am-1pm, Conference Centre Building (CC 004)
- Online: Tuesday 29th October, 2pm - 5pm, MS Teams
What if I missed training/want a refresher?
Please do not worry! We will always provide recordings and drop in sessions for any reps who missed the training. They will be found here when the training has taken place in October.
If you have any questions about being a course rep please feel free to email
But what if I have already been a Course Rep?
If you are a returning Course Rep, we would strongly encourage you to complete training again for this year. We have redeveloped the session for 2024-25, so it will give you a refresher of all the key info, updated Rep scenarios and provides you the opportunity to get to know the Rep system support team in your School/Institute.
Please email if you have any questions around training.
All Course Reps are strongly encouraged to log the time they spend undertaking their role, including training, as volunteering hours. You can do this online here to log 3 volunteering hours.