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Welcome Back!

Come join us on our 2nd Welcome Back Fun Run!

You'll be able to:

  • Meet the committee.
  • Find more out about our club and how to become a member.
  • Get involved with our warmup/ down.
  • Join us on a pre-plan run around the St John campus.
  • Join us in The Hangar afterwards for a couple drinks and an opportunity to ask our committee any questions.

A google form will be issued in due course for you to share your interest in joining!

If you need any adjustments, please contact Olivia Loughman, Vice Chair Inclusivity and Promotions ( and we can talk about how we can help! 

Before joining us we need participants to make themselves familiar of our health and safety rules for the runs, this is stated below for you, but can also be found on our Instagram @uowsocialrunningclub



Health and Safety

  • Please dress accordingly with the weather (thermals, jumpers etc.. for cold weather/ sun lotion, hats etc. for hot weather)
  • Be aware of pedestrians- move into single file when in a congested area.
  • Make sure you're clearly visible for the run, especially during evening/ night runs. We can loan hi-vis bands (limited availability)
  • If you need to step onto the road please be aware of oncoming traffic.
  • If on the road please keep to the right so traffic is oncoming
  • We ask ALL participants to download CallMyAlert- this allows you to get in touch with group incase you get lost.
  • The decision to run will be left to the discretion of the individual.
  • You should not run if you have an injury.
  • Please ensure you are sufficently hydrated for the run (bring water bottles, drink before, hydration gels, etc..) 
  • Please follow the process if an injury does occur; If injured are able to move without inflicting more pain lead will assist them to campus security/ first aid; If injured is unable to move they should not be left alone, and UoW security should be called for assistance; if an emergency call 999.