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Candidate for the position of LGBTQ+ Officer



My name is Jordanne, and I’m in my final year studying Clinical Psychology.

As the current chair of the LGBT+ Society I am very passionate about the university experience and wellbeing of our LGBT+ students. Throughout the first few weeks of this semester, we have brought new life to the Society by increasing our presence within the SU and I hope that as LGBT+ Officer, I will be able to expand this further across the University.

If elected as your LGBT+ Officer I aim to

  • Increase the visibility of LGBT+ issues within the university, including LGBT History Month and National Coming Out day.
  • Network with LGBT+ staff to increase the sense of community and support within academic study.
  • Work with student services to ensure they are supporting LGBT+ students in the best way possible.
  • Create resources informing non-LGBT students how to support their LGBT+ peers in fully expressing themselves without fear of judgment.

I am confident that with the skills I have gained as a course rep, peer mentor and committee member I will be able to fulfil these aims. If you’ve got any questions about my proposals for the year please email me on