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Candidate for the position of NUS Conference Delegate



Maryam Ali - the Somebody for Everybody.


NUS Delegate

Maryam Ali – the Somebody for Everybody

Hey my name is Maryam! I am third year computing international student and here is why you probably should vote for me.

My Experience

  1. I am currently the Vice Chair of the RAG committee: You will see me everywhere!
  2. NUS Delegate for 2 years: AKA loads of national contacts to help me help you
  3. I was the Vice-president for HE and student Governor at my previous college: I have improved on strategically improving student experience
  4. Been part of the student movement for 3 years: I love doing what I do! 

What do I believe in?

  1. Liberated education for all. Education should come without a price tag #FeeCuts
  2. International student rights - More scholarships and bursary options
  3. Liberate and support students from all backgrounds. I actively support BME, LGBT, women and disabled students
  4. Affordable housing and postgraduate study options

What will I do as your NUS representative?

  1. Collaborate with WSU officers and other NUS delegates to understand a wider range of your issues
  2. Be available to communicate with everyone by organising frequent talk sessions
  3. Be proactive!

See Me? Come talk to me!