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Candidate for the position of International Students' Officer



"Representing International Students"

I’m Halide Aydin, a Turkish-American student studying Psychology at the University of Worcester. I previously come to the university with the Erasmus study abroad program and had such a positive experience that I ultimately decided to transfer and finish the rest of my degree here at Worcester.

Having lived in three different continents in my lifetime I feel I am open minded and experienced in interacting with people from many different cultures. I feel that these qualities are why I am suited to represent the diverse student body here at Worcester.

My goals are to:

  • Promote the welfare of international students
  • Ensure their needs and views are being represented
  • Introduce a mentoring system between incoming internationals and British students

Possible ideas for events are:

  • Promote cultural awareness and exchange with international events such as Thanksgiving dinner, Chinese New Year, Holi etc.
  • Plan film nights and sport events
  • Organize a hiking trip to Malvern
  • Organize tours of the city during fresher’s week

The University of Worcester has a large and diverse international base.  I believe the international students are a huge benefit to the university as well as the U.K. as they expand our cultural awareness and bring with them new perspectives, helping us to develop and expand our own views and ideas. I am dedicated in making sure our international students have a voice and feel at home here at Worcester and I hope you will vote for me to represent you as your International student officer!