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Candidate for the position of Welfare Officer


It Means No Worries

My name is Tapiwa Makaka and I hope to be your next Welfare Officer!

“You can make a difference”, This is what they told me about the role.

It is my assertion that collectivley; me as your Welfare Officer and each and every student can make a positive difference to the holistic wellbeing of the student body.

I am running for Welfare Officer because I am a strong advocate for the betterment of all student welfare. As a clinical psychology student, I am learning the skills necessary to faciliate positive mental health as well as reseraching progressive beliefs to help people in their lives: This is my passion and I will approach this role with never ending commitment.

As a Welfare Officer, I hope to run campaigns that raise awareness of mental health, in ways like having open mic nights, social events as well as discussions and forums.I will also listen to the needs of the student body and build my missions on what you guys need. It is what I am here for!